Sofie Wennström
Sofie is an Analyst & Managing Editor working at Stockholm University Library where she is a part of the team running Stockholm University Press, a non-profit open access academic press with a peer-review policy. Sofie is active in several international networks being the co-chair of the LIBER Open Access Working Group and a member of the Board of the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA). With a background in the commercial publishing business she was recruited to Stockholm University in 2014 to build Stockholm University Press from scratch together with colleagues. With an academic background in Education she is also involved in teaching researchers, PhD students and students about Open Science and publishing.
Rickard Carlsson
Rickard Carlsson, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology at Linnaeus University, is Editor-in-Chief at Meta-Psychology and founder and coordinator of Open Science Community Sweden. Meta-Psychology is considered one of the most open journals in the world with its fully transparent editorial processes, open peer review as well as it’s reproducibility checks for all its published articles. Carlsson’s research mainly concerns method development and metascience. He’s particularly involved in applying this to improve teaching in schools. Main interests involve systematic reviews, meta-analysis, bias tests, replicability, open science and statistics.
Kathrine Bjerg Bennike
Kathrine is a Specialist on Research Assessment, Open Science, and Open Access publishing at Aalborg University Library. She is a central part of Aalborg University’s new initiative Aalborg University Open Publishing (AAU OPEN), a competence unit as well as a non-for-profit Diamond publishing platform, which she and colleagues built and launched in June 2024. Additionally, Kathrine is involved in establishing The Open Science Community in Aalborg (OSCA), which is part of the International Network of Open Science & Scholarship Communities incubator program under the European Skills4EOSC. Based on a research background and a PhD within Social Sciences, Kathrine is actively involved in guiding researchers on open access publication strategies and the teaching activities offered by Aalborg University especially related to the PhD course on Scholarly Communication in an Open Science Perspective. She is part of the Danish Open Access Network and co-manages the CoARA secretariat at Aalborg University.
Gustaf Nelhans
Dr. Gustaf Nelhans is an associate professor at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) at the University of Borås. His research primarily focuses on the performativity of scientometric indicators. He specialises in investigating the theoretical, methodological, and research policy dimensions of scholarly publishing within the framework of scientific practice, all from the vantage point of Science and Technology Studies (STS). He is interim chair of SUHF's working group for bibliometrics and an appointed board member of the National Library of Sweden’s Advisory Council. Most recently, he was appointed as a Reference Group member for the National Library of Sweden’s task of developing national guidelines for open science 2023-24.
Moderator: Thomas Tengelin Nyström
Thomas is a librarian at the Library of Science at Lund University with a focus on research support, where he works with data management, structured searches, and teaching. He is also part of Lund University's Data Access Unit. He has a background in computer science and library and information science.
His most recent position was at the University of Borås, where he worked as an adjunct at the School of Library and Information Science and was the Program Coordinator for two of the bachelor programmes. There, he taught subjects such as bibliometrics, data management, information retrieval, and knowledge organisation.